

I carved a JACKOLANTERN the other day. The skin is really cool and reminds me of strawberry cheesecake. My polaroid camera is still being weird and even though I like these bizarre effects, I do not like wasting half a roll of film everytime. I am getting a new camera. HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND SHIT!!


girlfacedana said...

the skin reminds you of cheesecake? is it rotten or something?

not even kidding: my "word verification" is okto (oktober?). eerie.

goodgollymissmolly said...

It has anime eyes! Well, sort of. Man, I'm nerdy.

Kid Trails said...

its not rotting it is a special breed of pumpkin. it is red and white but it is hard to tell in the picture.

girlfacedana said...

ummmohhhhhhhh I get it. No, I've seen the pumpkins you are talking about. I thought you meant, like....the texture was similar to sberry cheesecake. weird. How about those green and white ones??